Marie M. & Harry L. Smith Professor
Department of Geological Sciences
Director, X-Ray Microanalysis Laboratory
With my academic background spanning both biology and geology, my research interests center on how accurately we can interpret the history of life from the fossil record. I approach this problem from the taphonomic perspective, specifically targeting complex multicellular fossils from the dawn of animal life at the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. Resolving which features of fossils represent true biological signal as opposed to those that are preservational noise permits a greater understanding of our early animal ancestors. To help gain this better resolution, I utilize analytical microscopy methods, including scanning electron microscopy and tomographic x-ray microscopy.
If our X-ray Microanalysis Laboratory can be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out! <link>
Behind the paper with Dr. Alison Olcott on our recent work with Cenozoic spider preservation.
MU story on NSF CAREER Awardees on Columbia's campus - two from Geological Sciences!
A great article on Mikaela Pulsipher's journey and newly awarded 2021 Harriet Evelyn Wallace Fellowship from the American Geosciences Institute.
Thomas Herbst awarded a 2021 dissertation fellowship from the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi!
Amelia Lindsay-Kaufman wins best poster from BOTH the Paleontological Society and the GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division for her virtual poster at the 2020 GSA Meeting!
Stephanie Rosbach awarded the 2020 Gretchen L. Blechschmidt student research award from GSA!
Stephanie Rosbach receives 2020 Ellis L. Yochelson student research award from the Paleo Society!
Mikaela Pulsipher awarded the 2019 Winifred Goldring Award from the Association for Women Geoscientists!
Mikaela Pulsipher receives 2019 James M. & Thomas J.M. Schopf student research award from the Paleo Society!
Schiffbauer honored with 2018 GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division Pre-Tenure Award.
MU News piece on our microanalysis lab.
Schiffbauer recognized as 2018 MU System President’s Awardee for Early Career Excellence.
Mizzou paleo wins two NSF CAREER Awards.
MU News piece on Mizzou paleobiology.
Schiffbauer recognized with 2016 MU Provost’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Award.